I’m amazed at the support and response from family, the Association of Christian Writers, followers from Face book and the Writing Community on Twitter and Instagram! By God’s grace, in less than a month, the book has attracted almost 20 reviews on both Amazon and Good reads. It may not sound great but this means a lot to me. I remember a quote from the bible in Zechariah 4:10: DO NOT DESPISE SMALL BEGINNINGS.

My most treasured moments in some evenings is reading over some of the amazing reviews this book has attracted in less than a month when it was published by Austin Macauley Publishers on 28th May, 2021!! It is hard to say which story in the collection is my favourite! The longest story is ‘Teddy Boy’, the first story and the shortest story is ‘The Maiden Visit,’ the last story. Most people mentioned, The Teacher, Teddy Boy or The Rush has been their favourite.

I think my favourite story is ‘Farewell’.  Even now, its memory brings nostalgia. All the stories are true and drawn from real life experiences from people I know or me. So each story is a story from my heart, warmly told and written passionately to elicit the right feelings from readers. It is my hope that readers get to feel what I experienced on a personal level or from what I observed about others which I wrote down!

I agree that most of the stories are a mixture of love, sex, sadness, comedy, tragedy and all the other elements of life that people are prone to experience at some point or stage in their lives. So, even though I am a Christian, it does not prevent me writing about characters that have questionable moral standards or religious and sexual orientations which are different to mine. Two reviewers called my style of writing a ‘slice of life’ style. True!

Nigeria, my homeland, is reflected 40 years ago in different aspects of life because that was when most of the stories were written. There are stories about university life, national youth service life, married and unmarried life and work life which depict lust, friendship, love, family, adventure, romance, regret, humour, freedom, the forbidden and procrastination.

Readers will definitely be entertained, enlightened and educated. ENJOY!!

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